Nasruddin was invited to attend a wedding feast. Previously, the home of people who invite it, he never lost a sandal. Therefore now he is no longer left her shoes near the entrance, but keeps it behind the cloak.
"what book it in your pocket?" Ask the host to Nasruddin.
"Ha, maybe i'm looking for my shoes," said Nasruddin, "lucky I'm known as a bookworm." So with the top of his voice he said: "bulge that you see this is wisdom."
"Interesting from the bookstore where you get it?"
"I certainly got it from a shoe store!"
Courtesy: MB. Rahimsyah
"what book it in your pocket?" Ask the host to Nasruddin.
"Ha, maybe i'm looking for my shoes," said Nasruddin, "lucky I'm known as a bookworm." So with the top of his voice he said: "bulge that you see this is wisdom."
"Interesting from the bookstore where you get it?"
"I certainly got it from a shoe store!"
Courtesy: MB. Rahimsyah