Archive for January 2011

Great How to Reduce Pain

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  • Maybe it is not uncommon to treatment with modern materials and chemical smells, but in this article explained how to reduce pain naturally, even nothing is more natural than those described in this article. Do you know how to reduce pain without drugs or chemicals? It is very easy, namely:
    "You just look at your body. That's it. "
    Maybe you are curious about the explanation above, but do not worry, I will explain. Published in "Psychological Science," which contains the theory, that if your hands are exposed to fire (heat stimulation) level of pain felt will be directly proportional to your views on the hand. That is, if we look at the bigger your hands (in mind) then the pain that you feel will be the greater. It's all about your brain, which, after all, the source of the pain you feel.
    The researchers say that the images that form the brain of your own body has a strong effect on the level of experienced pain. During the innovative study, 18 participants had a heat probe placed in their left hand. Temperature probe gradually increased, and the participants stopped the heat by pressing the foot pedal as soon as they start to feel sick. The scientists used a set of mirrors to manipulate what the participants saw during experiment.Participants always looked toward their left hand, but they also see their own hands, or wooden objects appear to be at hand.
    The team found that only see the pain reduces pain.
    Pain threshold of about 3 ° C higher when looking at hand, compared with when looking at other objects.
    Next, they use a concave and convex mirror to show his hand as greater than the reality or smaller. When the hand was seen as enlarged, participants tolerated a greater degree of heat from the probe before reporting pain. When the hand was seen as smaller than actual size, the participants reported pain at a lower temperature than when I saw the hand in normal size.
    This suggests that the experience of pain appears in the brain that represent the size of the body. Visual tricks may have affected the spatial map of brain skin. The results showed that pain processing is closely linked to these brain maps of the skin.
    Hopefully useful.
    By: Dr. Victor Marchione

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    Funny - Exemplary Stories and Funny Stories Sufis Part 1

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  • Nasruddin and Tiran

    In another version, reputedly the first meeting between Nasruddin with Timurleng is the Turkish invasion by Timurleng, the great king also had a chance to come to the residence Akshehir Nasruddin. When entering the city, the king was seen Nasruddin wrapping the towel on his head, sitting alongside a road to see the procession of the king. King attracted by the man who belted the towel heads. And ordered his soldiers to bring into his presence Nasruddin


    The Ridiculous and the Three Expert

    One day there were three wise men who go around the country to get answers to urgent questions. They came on a day in the village of Nasruddin.

    The villagers offered the Nasruddin as a representative of the wise men in the village. Nasruddin forced to deal with the three wise men, and they gathered around the village people watch them talk.
    in wrapping the towel on his head, sitting alongside a road to see the procession of the king. King attracted by the man who belted the towel heads. And ordered his soldiers to bring into his presence Nasruddin
    Facing the dictatorial tactics

    This time the story about Nasruddin at the time had to face a cruel tyrant ruler. When Timurleng conquest of Anatolia. He heard about a man named Nasruddin who live in Akshehir. Timurleng go to Akshehir, camping there and then send a platoon of soldiers to pick up Nasruddin to his tent.

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    The Struggle Story of The Prophet part 1

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    Genesis Sky and Earth
    Before the Prophet Adam was created. God created the heavens the earth and everything in it; mountain, sea, plants, animals. Stars and the sun as a heat source and the moon as night lights.
    Heaven and earth by God created in six days or period. While one day or one period in the Lord as a thousand tender according to human calculation.
    God Almighty, if want something that says enough, "Kun" (Be!) then become what He wants.
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    Prophet Idris was the sixth descendant of the Prophet Adam. According to history, the Prophet Idris settled in Egypt. Preach to the religion of Allah. Teaches monotheism and worship God. And provide guidance to his followers to always honor the truth, to escape from the torment of the Hereafter and the destruction and misery in the world.

    The Aad
    Prophet Hud was sent pad his people are very rebellious. They are the tribe of Aad is strong and big bodied.

    The Aad blessed with fertile soil complete with good irrigation facilities. The water seemed to shine from all penuru to water and fertilize their farms and plantations. Thanks to this gift of God, they prosper, they can build beautiful homes and stately. In a short time they grow rapidly and become the largest tribe among other tribes.
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    5 Tips to Remind Muscle Mass

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  • 1. Ideal body weight should
    The first thing to consider is the weight. To facilitate you in running the program increased muscle mass is to have an ideal body weight. Because it can result in something bad if not ideal body weight, while the training program conducted in excess.

    2. Choosing the right program
    The selection program was very influential in this process. Programs that do must comply with the conditions themselves, such as the level of daily activity, physical condition, and environmental factors are also very influential. It's good to have his own coach, so observed at all times.

    3. Maintaining intensity
    Training is conducted on an ongoing basis is highly recommended, do not choose to do the program in a maximum period or excessive. Because it can bring disaster.

    4. Taking supplements
    This becomes important when we go through this program. Of course, to increase muscle mass, protein is needed. Increase the consumption of protein foods, if necessary you are also advised to take other supplements in the form of capsules or tablets.

    Hopefully useful ..

    Courtesy: Strider Russell

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    Jogging......Cheap and Healthy

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  • Cheap Way to Health

    Health is the important thing that must be maintained. sometimes, people forget about his health when he did not experience significant disease, but when experiencing bad things in his life he had felt how good health.
    Many ways can be done to improve health and our immune system. Of course everyone has own way to achieve this. Not infrequently also spent a lot of money, such as doing fitness, swimming, and many more.
    However, all the above activities require a fee. There are sports that are very cheap, even it does not cost at all, but the benefit is extraordinary, that sport is jogging.

    Jogging is a way to improve overall health. Because the advantages of jogging not only to cardiovascular exercise, but to also to provide other benefits, such as burn calories and fat, increase cardiovascular strength, improve digestion, ward off depression, and strengthens all the muscles and increase bone density in the legs, hips, and back.

    obvious benefits of jogging, for those of you who are dieting, jogging one alternative, a study shows, individuals who do jogging 50 miles per week would reduce the amount of good cholesterol and suffered far greater loss of body fat, triglyceride levels, and the threat of heart disease than those who ran less than 10 miles per week.

    The most important thing is to do regularly, do not be maximized in one period, but done regularly and effectively. Hopefully useful.

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    Naturally Clear Acne Tips

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  • Beauty is a gift from God, so we must maintain and care for her as a sense of gratitude.. Maximizing the good appearance is something that becomes a liability, since the first appraisal of others is through appearance. Beauty facial skin, is the most widelyhighlighted. Not only by women, but also by men. It is most annoying on the skin ofone's face is acne, there are many ways acne skin care, but most of it is maintenance-related chemicals. Treatment like this is not a bad thing, but less well on skin health inthe future. A natural treatment to be one good stepping stone for the treatment of facialskin of acne. Here I have a natural tips facial skin care:

    1. Treatment using the tomato
    Tomatoes have many vitamins are very good for the skin, especially for facial skin.According to experts, "by eating tomatoes every day, can reduce damage to the skinespecially in the face. It also benefits from tomatoes to prevent heart disease andcancer "
    how easily, in addition to making tomato juice, you also can directly apply the tomatoliquid on your skin before the break.
    2. Ice
    Ice is one of the most simple natural way to eliminate acne. It's a relieve inflammationand reduce redness of acne. way, you attach the ice on the surface of your skin with acne. 

    3. Clear acne with a paste of sandalwood 
    Apply a paste of sandalwood powder on the pimples. This can help to dry up acne,and relieve inflammation and swelling.

    4. Clear acne with lemon juice
    Acid in the juice attack bad bacteria that can cause acne. Squeeze a little out of freshlemon juice and apply it to the inflamed areas. Leave on your skin so the juices canpenetrate and fight bacteria. Although regarded as a fairly mild acne treatment, peoplewith sensitive skin should use lime juice with caution because it can cause the skin tobecome red and irritated

    5. Face wash
    The easiest way is to wash your face, at least five times in one day.

    These are tips on cleaning the face from acne, quite easily, and does not require muchcost. Hopefully useful.

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