The Miracle of Siwak

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  • Although Miswak previously been used in various cultures and cultures around the world, but the influence of the spread of Islamic religion and its application to clean the teeth of the most influential. The term miswak alone in public in fact has been used during the prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad, who began his mission about 543 AD Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "If not burden my ummah will undoubtedly I ordered them to got a siwak each would pray (in another narration: each will perform ablution')." Prophet looked at health and oral hygiene is important, so that he continues to advocate on his wife to be always prepared for him until his death miswak.

    Morphology and Habitat Plants Siwak
    Siwak or miswak, is part of the stems, roots or twigs plant Salvadora persica is mostly grown in the Middle East, Asia and Africa.
    Siwak rods taken from the roots and branches of plants arak (Salvadora persica) with a diameter ranging from 0.1 cm to 5 cm. Arak tree is a small tree like shrub with branching stems, more than 1 foot in diameter. If the skin is exfoliated slightly whitish in color and has a lot of fiber cascade. Roots are brown and the inside is white. Smells like celery and it was a bit spicy.

    Siwak function scrape and clean the inside of the mouth. Miswak word itself comes from the Arabic word 'yudlik' which means a massage (massage). Siwak is more than just a regular toothbrush, because in addition to having an elastic fiber trunk and does not damage teeth, although under strong pressure, miswak also has natural antimicrobial. Miswak of small diameter rods, have the capability of high flexibility to bend into the mouth properly and can erode the plaque on the teeth. Siwak also for the development of safe and healthy gums.

    Chemical Content of Stem Wood Siwak

    Al-Lafi and Ababneh (1995) conducted a study of miswak wood and reported that miswak contains natural minerals that can kill and inhibit bacteria growth, eroded plaque, prevent cavities and gum care. Siwak contain chemicals that are useful, include:

    Antibacterial Acids, such as astringents, abrasives and detergent that serves to kill bacteria, prevent infection, stop the bleeding of the gums. Use a fresh miswak wood the first time, will feel a little spicy and a little burn, because there is a similar content of mustard, which is acid is an antibacterial substance.

    Chemical content such as Chloride, Pottasium, Sodium Bicarbonate, Fluoride, Silica, Sulfur, Vitamin C, trimethylamine, Salvadorin, Tannin and some other mineral that works to clean teeth, and whiten teeth and gums healthy. These materials are often extracted as the building blocks of toothpaste.

    Natural fragrance oils that taste and smell the fresh, which can freshen the mouth and eliminate the odor.

    Enzymes that prevent the formation of plaque which is the cause of gingivitis and the leading cause of premature tooth loss.

    Anti Decay Agent (Substance anti-decay) and Antigermal System, which acts as penicillin reduced the number of bacteria in the mouth and prevent the process of decay. Siwak also stimulates saliva production, which itself is an organic mouth saliva that protect and cleanse the mouth.

    According to reports Lewis (1982), research into the chemistry of this plant have been made since the 19th century, and found a large amount of chloride, fluoride, trimethylamine and resins. Then the results of research Farooqi and Srivastava (1990) found silica, sulfur and vitamin C. Chemical constituents are very beneficial for healthy teeth and mouth in which trimethylamine and vitamin C helps the healing and repair of gum tissue. Chloride is useful to remove stains on teeth, while silica can react as a polisher. Then the presence of sulfur is known with a sense of warmth and a distinctive smell, while fluoride is useful for healthy teeth as the prevention of caries with a strengthening layer of email and reduce the dissolution of the acid produced by bacteria.

    Siwak as an antibacterial substance
    El-Mostehy et al (1998) reported that Miswak plant contains antibacterial substances. Darout et al. (2000) reported that antimicrobial and cleansing effect on the miswak has been shown by variations in chemical content that can be detected in the extract. This effect is believed to relate to the high content of Sodium Chloride and Chloride Pottasium like salvadourea and salvadorine, saponins, tannins, vitamin C, silica and resins, as well as cyanogenic glycosides and benzylsothio-cyanate. It is reported that the anionic components naturally present in this plant species that contain antimicrobial agents against some bacteria. Nitrate (NO3-) is reported to affect active transport in Escherichia coli porline as well as the aldose from E. coli and Streptococcus faecalis. Nitrate also affect active transport and oxidative phosphorylation oxygen capture by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Stapyhylococcus aureus so inhibited.


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